CASTING CALL / Birthing humanity

Playing a supporting role in the transformation of narratives for the future of Humanity.

We are Casting for a film called, “Birthing Humanity” and we need professional actors to get involved.

We are seeking ethical actors, producers, and directors to bring their best to this transformative project. Our current media landscape is saturated with narratives of death, revenge, and division—stories of us vs. them, pitting good guys against bad guys. It’s time to shift the paradigm. We need to start telling stories that unite us, stories about how we can birth a whole new narrative centered on connection, healing, and community.

“Birthing Humanity” is that film. In essence, our project is like “Good Will Hunting” but for humanity, focusing on the restructuring of how we build family and community. This film aims to inspire and ignite a collective movement towards a more compassionate and cohesive world.

Go to:  CAST TEAM tab above for more information, our leading writers and Founders.


Leigh McCloskey “The Hieroglyph of the Human Soul”

Leigh is my hero.

A poet / Social Artist, A renaissance man, weaving a story of renewal and deep mythic change. I love how Leigh sets the container, he’s brilliant, speaking his truth for all to feel and adopt as their own.

Thank you Leigh for your mythic story!

At CAST Theater workshops we focus on Transformational FILMS (like the ones below) that shape the logos and mythos of the human condition.  We are the characters that we read about and see in movies, they are us, and whispering in our ear, “Now it’s your turn to transform yourself and the world.”  One of The Cast workshop exercises is called, “Movies on a mission”, where we show a transformational scene of a movie (1 or 2min) then break into groups and discuss it’s deeper meaning, individually, culturally and its metaphoric effect at a global level.

“The Cast Theater process brings passion, purpose and art into lives and communities far and wide. Lives are renewed as the new story is quickened In the hearts and minds of its participants. Cast is a blessing to this world and time.”

                                                    -Dr. Jean Houston


I’m so honored to be working with Patrick Solomon (Director) His movie in my opinion is a triumph of the human soul, a beautiful window into what is possible (Victim to Hero) I’ve been teaching workshops about The Hero’s Journey for the last 10 years, using Joseph Campbell’s work as my soul compass and north star. Now to have a movie about Joseph’s philosophy is stellar.. SEE IT THEN BE IT! Thanks Pat, you are my new hero.

Finding Joe is an exploration of famed Mythologist Joseph Campbell’s studies and their continuing impact on our culture. Through interviews with visionaries from a variety of fields interwoven with enactments of classic tales by a sweet and motley group of kids, the film navigates the stages of what Campbell dubbed The Hero’s Journey: the challenges, the fears, the dragons, the battles, and the return home as a changed person. Rooted in deeply personal accounts and timeless stories, Finding Joe shows how Campbell’s work is relevant and essential in today’s world and how it provides a narrative for how to live a fully realized life – or as Campbell would simply state, how to “follow your bliss”.

**Keep checking my website for the next screening for “FINDING JOE” near you.


“My life is a picture of my thoughts, speech, beliefs, action and attitude”,

Well, this image says it all..  Thank you Matthew Engelhart, owner of Cafe Gratitude for letting me use this image for CAST. 

Dear reader if you look closely at this image you see something wonderful.  I would invite your eye to notice the film. 

It reads, “My life is a picture of my thoughts, speech, beliefs, action and attitude”, the big 5. 

The SPIRIT is the LIGHT in the projector, projecting your LIFE through the 5 ways of BEING.  Your LIFE and the  5 ways of BEING are symbiotically connected and magic mirrors of each other.  Each word a window into the game  for life.  Ahhhhhh, I love this image, you can purchase this as a poster on the Cafe Gratitude website, just click on the image above.  Remember you write the script that makes it to the film for the world to see, a clear view of you, a view of your reality creation,  a view of your divine narrative, for others to interact with….

Thanks Cafe Gratitude!

“The movie will begin in five moments, the mindless voice announced, all those unseated will await the next show, as we seated and we’re darkened the voice continued.  The program for this evening is not new, you’ve seen this entertainment through and through, you’ve seen your birth, life and death, you might recall all the rest. Did you have a good world when you died, enough to base a movie on?”


Jim Morrison

CAST Workshop in Northern California, 2006, San Anselmo Playhouse.

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages”.

William Shakespeare


I am Joseph Jacques, the visionary behind THE CAST, and in my quest, I have encountered profound mentors, authors, poets, and prophets. These wise individuals possess the unique ability to perceive the world with exceptional clarity. Often, within this clarity, lies a circle left unfinished. It is this elusive, incomplete circle that guides my endeavors in the pursuit of uncovering individual and collective truths. As we all recognize and harness our full potential, our collective wisdom, and our shared heritage, this feeling of purpose intensifies.

THE CAST: Social Theater serves as a stage for the ultimate witnesses, activists, and champions of ethical and humanitarian actions.

CAST Goals

  • To establish a secure group process, essentially a form of Social Theater. Here, awareness, communication, and trust converge to give rise to positive actions, benefiting individuals, communities, and societies alike.
  • To narrate fresh, emerging stories that underscore our direct role in defining and redefining the elements of conflict, characters, storyboards, foreshadowing, actionable steps, plot, and underlying assumptions.
  • To pay homage to the rich tapestry of multicultural, intergenerational stories that make up our collective history.
  • To provide a straightforward means of articulating the potential of the human spirit through various mediums: multimedia, heartfelt philosophies, art, songs, poetry, dance, an appreciation for nature, and contributions from our friends and extended family.
  • To serve as a mirror, reflecting back to our culture the narrative we, as a people, are actively crafting – a new story that asserts “We the People” are the authors.
  • To extend the reach of CAST Social Theater, both nationwide and worldwide, in order to uncover a global story that emanates from the heart of its citizens.
  • To produce a feature film every year for a century, dedicated to the American people. These films will illuminate our mythic tale, the challenges faced by our planet, issues of human rights, and the steps we must take to champion a profound narrative about ourselves and the world we inhabit. This cinematic endeavor is aimed at bringing health and prosperity to life through storytelling.